Ihre professionelle Oberfläche
Magnificently, the castle is situated in a city under the same name in the South West of Mecklenburg-Pomerania. Duke Friedrich had the new castle of residence built in the years 1772 to 1776. There has never been such a castle with an extended garden architecture in the North Elbian sourroundings. Almost 17 million have already been spent in the restoration. A cultural aspect of the Ludwigslust castle facility is the nearly extended use of paper mache as a working substance, to imitate high-quality and cost-intensive materials.
About 90 % of the surface protection of the old panel parquet was destroyed, due to an improperly carried out expansion and reconstruction in 2004.
In 2015, Eberhard Roller, restorator and owner of Akanthus Restaurierungen GmbH (Akanthus Restorations GmbH) in Berlin-Kreuzberg, discovered a completely greyed floor. The different colours of different woods were no longer recognizable – he discovered faults in panels, numerous wood additives of different kinds and wide contraction joints. A surface protection was only recognizable on 10% of the surface.
The brightly and hardly discolouring 1 component IRSA HP Oil is most suitable for a strong to a very durable wooden floor of the castle cafe
The coloured surface should hardly change the colours but should also withstand very strong stress. Furthermore, an easy-care surface should be obtained, if possible in a very short time. If possible, the restaurant should only be closed for a very short time.
Therefore, Eberhard Roller and his team chose the product HP-Oil by IRSA. In contrast to IRSA recommendations, he filled out a total of 4 layers by automatic means and the product was applied hotly onto the surface. Finally, the surface was rubbed dry again. Even up to 6 layers of IRSA HP Oil was applied hotly onto the badly closed portal of the castle terrace with joints of up to 6 mm. This resulted in a drying times of upt to 3 weeks instead of 6 days during cold application.
An agreed care concept provides a long lifetime and sustainability of the wooden floors
Eberhard Roller wishes that a “renovation grinding“ is no longer necessary.
By the use of IRSA maintenance oil, the floor is refreshed again and again. The regular wipe cleaning with IRSA soap cleaner provides quick cleanliness and moisturizing. According to Eberhard Roller, experiences have shown the following:“Generally, no timely limits are set. Due to proper care and cleaning, we can expect that the properly restored floor will remain for centuriers. However, the floor does not appear to have a “new look“. It was intended that the floor should look “unrenovated but carefully maintained“.
Now, the floor shines again. The woods show depth of light and luminosity. The parquet pattern is well recognizable again. The total transmission of the historical room has won. The age of this 250 year old floor is only maintained with this careful way of processing and remains for future generations“.
1) Cited from:
Short report for conservation/maintenance building – stated in Berlin, 10 April 2015 by Eberhard Roller
Akanthus Restaurierungen GmbH (Akanthus Restorations GmbH)
Building 10187 C7 0001 Castle Ludwigslust, Schloßfreiheit, 19288 Ludwigslust
Order no. 14 B 0426S 00, Performance: Reworking of the parquet floor in the hunting saloon
The following IRSA products are used in the castle cafe:
IRSA HP Oil High Solid, IRSA soap cleaner, IRSA moisturizer.
manufactured by
IRSA Lackfabrik Irmgard Sallinger GmbH-An der Günz 15, D-86489 Deisenhausen. Tel. 0049(0)8282 / 89 44 - 0.Fax 0049(0)8282 / 89 44 - 44. www.irsa.de.Email info@irsa.de
The IRSA products were processed by
Akanthus Restaurierungen GmbH, Eberhard Roller, Waldemarstr. 24, 10999 Berlin–KreuzbergTel.: 030-6151146, akanthus-restaurierung@gmx.de