The special project: White parquet floors with striking fields for the Fashion and Sports House Reischmann in Memmingen

Sealed and oiled parquet and wood surfaces

The special project: White parquet floors with striking fields for the Fashion and Sports House Reischmann in Memmingen

The 700m² great surfaces should be designed quickly, simple, bright and friendly and should withstand very strong stress at the same time.

650m² oak floor was renovated and 50 m² was laid. Marco Gebauer quickly and simply coloured the whole surface with the white IRSA Platinum 2C Öl-Grundierung.

IRSA Platinum 2C Öl-Grundierung (primer) is a 2 component High-Solid oil combination with natural oils, linking and oxidatively drying, by adding the IRSA 2C Oil Hardener, over-sealable with all IRSA Platinum 2C Water Varnishes (Platinum 3010, 3030, 3055 and Platinum Nature Feeling, extreme-mat).

IRSA Platinum 2C Öl-Grundierung is available in white, black, colourless, light grey, teak, anthracite, wenge and oak. Irsa offers special tones on request.

The white surface should act naturally. Therefore, the sponsor decided to use an ultra-mat lasting protection.

Exclusive fashion highlights and an extensive selection for nearly every type of sports and for the whole family of the Reischmann Houses in Ravensburg, Ulm, Kempten and Memmingen, covering 45,000m2 purchasing area with 1,100 employees. Reischmann offers 1,200 brands with an enormous selection of international brands. The secrets to success of Reischmann are competent and pleasant advice, best price guarantee and special service performance, such as Reischmann Partnercard. And this with an experience of 156 years. Every visit to the Reischmann Houses promises a special experience.

In 2006, Reischmann in Memmingen opened the „House of Emotions“ for fashion and sports, covering 6,300m2. Great building measurements connect two former „own“ buildings with each other. The anniversary „10 years of Reischmann in Memmingen“ is the reason for the company to newly design their location in Memmingen. The measurements are focussed on the Young Fashion departments and the Contemporary Fashion.

The floor layering works and the colouring with sealing were carried out by the expert entrepreneur Gebauer – Parkett & Boden, Mr. Marco Gebauer from Kempten. Marco Gebauer delivers and lays highly valuable parquet floors with the most modern layering technique in accordance with the individual wishes. Therefore, the family Reischmann chose him. Quality, individuality, sustainability and reliability are the most important parts of the success of Marco Gebauer.

The 700m² great surfaces should be designed quickly, simple, bright and friendly and should withstand very strong stress at the same time.

650m² oak floor was renovated and 50 m² was laid. Marco Gebauer quickly and simply coloured the whole surface with the white IRSA Platinum 2C Öl-Grundierung.
IRSA Platinum 2C Öl-Grundierung is a 2 component High-Solid oil combination with natural oils, linking and oxidatively drying, by adding the IRSA 2C Oil Hardener, over-sealable with all IRSA Platinum 2C Water Varnishes (Platinum 3010, 3030, 3055 and Platinum Nature Feeling, extreme-mat).

IRSA Platinum 2C Öl-Grundierung is available in white, black, colourless, light grey, teak, anthracite, wenge and oak. Irsa offers special tones on request.

The surface to be primed must be clean, dry and free of sanding dust and residues after the last final sanding (IRSA abrasive, grain size 100 to 120). A surface without sanding mistake is a pre-condition for an optimum result. If necessary, you can cement. Before applying the oil primer, the surface is completely moisten with water. Then, the 2 component IRSA Platinum 2C Oil Primer is filled in the cloister with IRSA Rapid Spatula onto the underground. The consumption is approximately 30 – 80 g/m2 – depending on the absorbity of the wood. The pot time is 2 hours. After 20 – 30 minutes exposure time, the excess is completely and equally polished into the wood with the white pad. The drying times till over-varnishing is 24 hours under normal conditions 23°C, 50% rel. humidity.

The white surface should act naturally. Therefore, the sponsor decided to use an ultra-mat lasting protection.

The surfaces oiled in such a way were then over-sealed with 3 applications (total of 360g/m2) of IRSA Platinum 3030 ultra-mat 2C Parquet Water Varnish. IRSA Platinum 3030 ultra-mat 2C Parquet Water Varnish results in a beautifully mat and bright appearance.

IRSA Platinum 3030 ultra-mat (2C PU Water Varnish) is used for the protection of normal to very strongly stressed bamboo floors, OSB boards, stairs, parquet and wood floors, cork or linoleum (test of the fire behaviour in accordance with DIN4102, part 1, building material class B2).

IRSA Platinum 3010 2C Parquet Water Varnish shows an exceptional wear and tear resistance, besides its high filling ability. The sealing layer does not get yellow. The closed varnish film is still water-resistant after longer exposure time and convinces through its good household chemical resistance. The product is insensitive to shoe heel smears. The final hardness is achieved after 3 days (at 20°C and 55 % humidity).

Striking, grey-covering colour fields give the floor a specially individual appearance

Besides whitely-covered and sealed surface, the building owner wishes striking light and dark grey covering colour fields. In this process, IRSA Platinum 3030, ultra-mat, was coloured with 10 % IRSA colour paste, the desired surface was sanded with the abrasive material grain size 150 and custom-fit and individually and colour-covering sealed after adhering with a suitable adhesive tap.

After this, it was finally sealed with IRSA Platinum 3030 ultra-mat, colourless.

For further maintenance and care, IRSA Aqua Star R9 is used, to keep the ultra-mat and sealed floor longer mat.

Project Data

Project: Fashion House and Sports House Reischmann, Maximilianstraße 12, 87700 Memmingen, Reischmann GmbH & Co. KGaA, Kirchstraße 2-6, 88212 Ravensburg, Tel: 0751 36147-0, Fax: 0751 36147-199,

Processing company: Gebauer - Parkett & Boden, In der Brandstatt 87435 Kempten, 0831/ 5 12 48 49,,

Colour priming and sealing: IRSA Lackfabrik Irmgard Sallinger GmbH, An der Günz 15, D-86489 DeisenhausenTel. 0049 8282 / 89 44 - 0,,