Elisabethen Hospital in Ravensburg

Sealed and oiled parquet and wood surfaces

Elisabethen Hospital in Ravensburg

It is a real piece of art, to renovate the total area of 3200m2 of oak vertical lamella with IRSA Platinum 3010 2C Water-Based Varnish, silky-mat.

St. Elisabethen-Klinikum in Ravensburg

The St. Elisabethen-Hospital in Ravensburg is a hospital of the central supply in Ravensburg and part of the Oberschwabenklinik (Upper Swabian Hospital). The hospital with 520 patient beds is today a supra-regional hospital, as well as an academic teaching hospital of University Ulm.

Today, the ward block includes ten wards on five floors and a hospital chapel. The construction measures to date cost 131 million Euros, of which the administrative district contributed 115 million Euros, the state of Baden-Württemberg 51 million Euros and the Oberschwabenklinik gGmbH 16 million Euros.

3200m2 oak vertical lamella parquet, distributed over all 5 floors, were sealed with IRSA Platinum 3010 2C Water-Based Varnish, silky-mat, in the Elisabethen Hospital, Ravensburg.

Boy & Dangel GmbH from Bad Waldsee are well positioned with 14 employees, to handle large and even very complicated projects.

It was a real piece of art, to renovate the total area of 3200m2 of oak vertical lamella.

The parquet-laying company Boy & Dangel decided to work with dust walls due to the precarious situation in hospitals with acoustic ceilings, lamella walls and the proximity to sensitive rooms, such as operating theatres which should not come into contact with sanding dust and solvent vapours. This means that within such protective walls, only generated negative pressure is used.

Two vacuum holding devices of the type: LR950 incl. pre-filter, HEPA filter and activated carbon filter from the Max Leier company were used to create a vacuum in the renovation area. These air purifiers ensured that the adjacent areas of the hospital remained free of solvent-containing vapours and fine dust. The 2 vacuum maintenance units were installed in stages in the respective dust walls for the whole area. The company Boy & Dangel borrowed the vacuum holding devices from the company Max Leier from Bad Waldsee. The idea to work with this method was established by the close cooperation between the companies Boy & Dangel and Max Leier.

Working with this method meant that maximum partial areas of up to 120m2 could be processed step by step, which resulted in a high additional expenditure of time. The maximum partial area resulted from the transport possibility within the lift.

It is not easy to create surfaces with a regular sanding pattern, to avoid later discolouration when using IRSA Platinum 3010 2C, silky-mat. But thanks to the quality work of the professionals Boy & Dangel and the balanced PH value of IRSA Platinum 3010 2C, silky-mat, excellent results were achieved.

IRSA PLATINUM 3010 2C Water-Based Varnish, silky-mat, is suitable for stairs, parquet and wooden floors with normal to very heavy wear and tear and gives a light appearance.

The following test certificate/test results are available:
DIBt approval number: No. Z-157.10-38
Fire behaviour in accordance with DIN 4102, Part 1, Building Material Class B2
Sliding behaviour in accordance with DIN V18032-2: 2001-04

IRSA PLATINUM 3010 2C Parquet Water Varnish, silky-mat, is particularly suitable for light woods (such as maple), which should remain light in the long term. Use the primer IRSA PLATINUM ROLLGRUND PLUS+ for an intensification of the natural wood colour (glowing of wood) especially on oak.

The product has excellent characteristics:
Very high durability, outstandingly fast drying time, final hardness is achieved after only approx. 5 days (at +20°C, 55% rel. air humidity), easy application, very good sanding properties, very good resistance to household chemicals, extraordinarily wear and scratch resistant, low odour, minimised side gluing, when using IRSA PLATINUM ROLLGRUND PLUS+ very high filling capacity, does not leave any permanent annoying footprints on rubber soles, the closed varnish film is insensitive to water even after prolonged exposure to water.

The subsequent care and maintenance must be carried out professionally with IRSA Aqua Star, in order to maintain this result. A sustainable surface can only be achieved with selected machines that do not apply too much water to the surface.

Companies involved

IRSA Lackfabrik Irmgard Sallinger GmbH
D-86489 Deisenhausen

We produce varnishes, oils, care and maintenance products

Boy & Dangel GmbH
Waldseer Str. 49
D-88339 Bad Waldsee

Phone: 07542 - 9314904 Hans-Jürgen Boy
Phone: 07524 - 913587 Martin Dangel
Fax: 07542 - 9314905
E-Mail: boy@boydangel.de
WEB: www.parkettdangel.de

CEOs: Hans-Jürgen Boy and Martin Dangel ensure a professional performance of parquet and wooden floors.....

Max Leier, Industriestraße 4, D-88339 Bad Waldsee
Phone: 075247245
Fax: 075247255
E-Mail: info@max-leier.de, https://www.max-leier.de

Lends out construction equipment